Café at the Lighthouse:

The Café at the Lighthouse offers free showers, coffee, meals, clothing, and laundry amenities. Its operating hours are:

Monday- Friday from 9-2.

cafe picture

Additional Services that we offer at the Café include:

Community Outreach workers (drop in daily): Services to assist and connect people with housing, community resources and other supports.
Mental Health and Substance use (Every Thursday from 10-2): Counselling services, referrals to treatment, withdrawal management & indigenous healing programs and heal with disability focused financial services.
Ministry of Social Development & Poverty Reduction (Every Tuesday from 12-2 and Friday 10-2): Income & disability assistance help in navigating other local and provincial supports.
Legal Advocate (Every second Monday from 12:30-2): Free legal information and referral assists with exploring options, completing applications and accessing provincial and federal benefits.
Registered Nurses (Every Tuesday from 10-12): Simple wound care, harm reduction tetanus shots, pregnancy testing, STI testing including HIB and Syphilis.
Probation Officer (Every Wednesday from 1-2): Check-ins and court date reminders.
Canoe Beach Barber (Two Saturday’s a month): Free haircuts and hot shaves.
Worship & Word (Every Sunday from 3-4): Spiritual conversation, singing praise songs and short bible talk.

Lighthouse noun /ˈlaɪthaʊs/

A structure, a shining light to warn and guide those lost in struggle and storm. A figure of safety and strength.